Операционный усилитель LMH6554LEE/NOPB TI

LMH6554LEE/NOPB, Дифференциальный усилитель, ультралинейный, 1 усилитель(-ей), -6.5 мВ, 2.8 ГГц, -40 °C, 125 °C

The LMH6554LEE/NOPB is a high-performance fully Differential Amplifier designed to provide the exceptional signal fidelity and wide large-signal bandwidth necessary for driving 8- to 16-bit high-speed data acquisition systems. Using TI"s proprietary differential current mode input stage architecture, the LMH6554 has unity gain, small-signal bandwidth of 2.8GHz and allows operation at gains greater than unity without sacrificing response flatness, bandwidth, harmonic distortion or output noise performance. The low-impedance differential output of the device is designed to drive ADC inputs and any intermediate filter stage. The LMH6554 delivers 16-bit linearity up to 75MHz when driving 2V peak-to-peak into loads as low as 200R.

• 2V Large-signal bandwidth of 1.8GHz
• 0.9nV/?Hz Input noise voltage
• 11pA/?Hz Input noise current
• 260mW Power rating
• 83dB CMRR
• Green product and no Sb/Br

Полупроводники - МикросхемыУсилители и Компараторы
Код: 2382743

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