Операционный усилитель. OPA227UA TI
The OPA227UA is an Operational Amplifier combines low noise and wide bandwidth with high precision to make them the ideal choice for applications requiring both AC and precision DC performance. The OPAx227 is unity-gain stable and features high slew rate (2.3V/µs) and wide bandwidth (8MHz). The OPAx227 series operational amplifier is pin-for-pin replacements for the industry standard OP-27 and OP-37 with substantial improvements across the board.
• 3nV/?Hz Low noise
• 5µs Settling time
• 138dB High CMRR
• 160dB High open-loop gain
• 10nA Maximum low input bias current
• 75µV Maximum low offset voltage
• 0.1µV/°C Typical offset drift
• Green product and no Sb/Br
Полупроводники - МикросхемыУсилители и КомпараторыОперационные Усилители - ОУ
Код: 1212441