Операционный усилитель TLV320AIC3101IRHBT TI
The TLV320AIC3101IRHBT is a low-power stereo Audio Codec with stereo headphone amplifier, as well as multiple inputs and outputs that are programmable in single-ended or fully differential configurations. Extensive register-based power control is included, enabling stereo 48kHz DAC playback as low as 14mW from a 3.3V analog supply. The record path of the TLV320AIC3101 contains integrated microphone bias, digitally controlled stereo microphone preamplifier and automatic gain control (AGC), with mix/mux capability among the multiple analog inputs. Programmable filters are available during record which can remove audible noise that can occur during optical zooming in digital cameras. The playback path includes mix/mux capability from the stereo DAC and selected inputs, through programmable volume controls, to the various outputs. The codec contains four high-power output drivers as well as two fully differential output drivers.
• Ultralow-power mode with passive analog bypass
• Programmable input/output analog gains
• Automatic gain control (AGC) for record
• Programmable microphone bias level
• Programmable PLL for flexible clock generation
• I?C Control bus
• Green product and no Sb/Br
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Код: 2075402