Manufacturer CHY FIREMATE
Meter type AC/DC digital clamp meter
Max. diameter of measured cable 48mm
Type of display used LCD (9999), bargraph
Bargraph 40 segm.
Sampling 20x/s
DC current measuring range 0,1...999,9A
DC current measuring accuracy ±(2% + 5 digits)
AC current measuring range 0,1...999,9A
AC current measuring accuracy ±(2% + 5 digits)
DC voltage measuring range 0,1...600V
DC voltage measuring accuracy ±(1% + 5 digits)
AC voltage measuring range 0,1...600V
AC voltage measuring accuracy ±(1% + 5 digits)
True effective value measurement True RMS
Resistance measuring range 0,1...999,9/9999Ω
Resistance measuring accuracy ±(1,5% + 5 digits)
Capacitance measuring range 0,1µ...999,9µF
Capacitance measuring accuracy ±(5% + 10 digits)
Frequency measuring range 0,1...20/400Hz
Frequency measuring accuracy ±(0,5% + 5 digits)
Temperature measuring range -40...1200°C
Continuity test acoustic signal for R<30Ω
Weight without batteries 425g
Standard equipment case
Conform to the norm EN 61010
  • auto and manual ranging
  • automatic power-off
  • HOLD function
  • MIN/MAX function
  • measures starting currents
  • relative measurement function
  • diode test
  • PEAK function
  • Gross weight: 0.76 kg
  • Guarantee (months): 12
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