TE: Switch configuration on the board
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- Board-to-board connectors
- Case
- Circuit breaker
- Combo power filter
- Connector cable-to-board
- Connectors FFC/FPC 0,5mm
- Connectors, terminals
- Contactors - Main modules
- Electronic components_new
- Heat-shrink tubing
- Industrial connector
- Miscellaneous
- Mounting plate for relay
- Pin headers
- Plug the low voltage power supply
- Power connector
- Printed materials
- Products by contract manufacturing
- Push button switch
- Raster signal connectors 2,50mm
- Raster signal connectors 3,00mm
- Raster signal connectors 3,96mm
- Spare parts for repairing TV, video, audio
- Switch configuration on the board
- Toggle switch
- Universal and Computer Power Cords
- Virtual devices - USB laboratory
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$1,3062 Price range:1+$1,306250+$1,1437125+$1,0293275+$0,9531725+$0,9055$1,1056 Price range:1+$1,105660+$0,9680160+$0,8712340+$0,8067860+$0,7664$0,9037 Price range:1+$0,903770+$0,7914175+$0,7122420+$0,65941050+$0,6265$2,1372 Price range:1+$2,137236+$1,871480+$1,6842160+$1,5595480+$1,4815