MCRCH: Operational amplifier
- All categories
- Accessory for breadboard
- Active current sensors
- Analog Ics
- Atmel Development Kits
- CAN interface
- Caps Plugs and Masking
- Circuit breaker
- Comparators
- Digital Potentiometers
- Electronic components_new
- Emulator, debugger, programmer
- Ethernet interface
- Evaluation board, set the plug-in
- FET-IGBT Driver
- LED Driver
- Miscellaneous
- Operational amplifier
- Operational amplifier.
- RJ45 Cables
- SMD Comparators
- Temperature sensor
- Touch keyboard controller
- USB interface
- Тепловое реле
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- cheap
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$141,4000 Price range:1+$141,400010+$132,860025+$124,1800100+$113,6800 - MCRCH
$560,0000 Price range:1+$560,00005+$490,000025+$462,0000100+$420,0000 - MCRCH
$36,4000 Price range:1+$36,400010+$33,320025+$28,1400100+$26,7400 - MCRCH
$0,6300 Price range:1+$0,630010+$0,588025+$0,5180100+$0,4760 - MCRCH
$2,2400 Price range:1+$2,240010+$2,086025+$1,8900100+$1,7360