Fluke Infrared Cameras FLK-LENS/4XTELE2 FLUKE

Manufacturer FLUKE
Test accessories type telephoto infrared lens
Field of observation 6° horizontal x 4,5° vertical
Measuring instruments application FLK-TI200/9HZ, FLK-TI300/9HZ, FLK-TI400/9HZ, FLK-TIX520/9HZ, FLK-TIX560/9HZ
  • Gross weight: 0.34 kg
  • Collective package: 1 pcs
Test accessories type: telephoto infrared lens
Measuring instruments application: FLK-TI200/9HZ, FLK-TI300/9HZ, FLK-TI400/9HZ, FLK-TIX520/9HZ, FLK-TIX560/9HZ
Field of observation: 6° horizontal x 4,5° vertical