AVX: Power Management
- All categories
- Amplifiers
- Antenna
- Capacitors
- Circuit breaker
- Circuit Protection
- Connectors
- Diodes, Transistors and Thyristors
- Drivers and Interfaces
- Electronic components_new
- Frequency resonator
- Kits and Tools
- Power Management
- Relays
- Resistors
- RF and Microwave
- Sensors
- Standard and Specialty Logic
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$0,0098 Price range:+$0,00981800+$0,009812000+$0,008444000+$0,0084108000+$0,0084 - AVX
$0,1554 Price range:+$0,1554120+$0,1470670+$0,12603000+$0,12047000+$0,1148 - AVX
$0,1022 Price range:+$0,1022200+$0,09521100+$0,08264400+$0,078411200+$0,0756 - AVX
$0,0420 Price range:+$0,0420500+$0,03782600+$0,033612000+$0,030828000+$0,0294