DIODES: Capacitors
- All categories
- Amplifiers
- Capacitors
- Circuit Protection
- Clock and Timing
- Connectors
- Diodes, Transistors and Thyristors
- Discrete elements, assemblies and modules
- Drivers and Interfaces
- Electronic components_new
- Electronic Switches
- LEDs and LED Lighting
- Magnetics
- Materials, Chemicals and Adhesives
- Power Management
- Relays
- Resistors
- Screws
- Sensors
- Standard and Specialty Logic
- Transceivers
- Unsorted
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- cheap
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$0,1722 Price range:+$0,1722120+$0,1554660+$0,13442760+$0,12747120+$0,1246 - DIODES
$0,5698 Price range:+$0,569835+$0,5194198+$0,4480832+$0,42562143+$0,4116 - DIODES
$0,1946 Price range:+$0,194658+$0,1862328+$0,18341380+$0,17923000+$0,1792 - DIODES
$0,1274 Price range:+$0,1274200+$0,1148900+$0,10083800+$0,095210000+$0,0910 - DIODES
$0,6020 Price range:+$0,602019+$0,5740107+$0,5642447+$0,55581000+$0,5558