STMICRO: RF and Microwave
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- Amplifiers
- Circuit Protection
- Clock and Timing
- Diodes, Transistors and Thyristors
- Drivers and Interfaces
- Electronic Switches
- EMI/RFI Suppression
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- LEDs and LED Lighting
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- Microcontrollers and Processors
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- Power Management
- RF and Microwave
- Sensors
- Standard and Specialty Logic
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$17,5889 Price range:+$17,58893+$16,32027+$15,721313+$14,972734+$14,2241 - STMICRO
$10,0000 Price range:+$10,000050+$0,0327250+$0,02851000+$0,02503000+$0,0219 - STMICRO
$10,0000 Price range:+$10,000050+$0,0361250+$0,03201000+$0,02883000+$0,0268 - STMICRO
$10,0000 Price range:+$10,000050+$0,0361250+$0,03201000+$0,02883000+$0,0268 - STMICRO
$20,0000 Price range:+$20,0000100+$0,0361500+$0,03203000+$0,028815000+$0,0268