LM3409HVMY/NOPB, Драйвер светодиода, 1 выход, понижающий, 6В-75В (Vin), 2МГц, 75В/1A, MSOP-10

The LM3409HVMY/NOPB is a P-channel MOSFET (PFET) Controller for step-down (buck) current regulators. It offers wide input voltage range, high-side differential current sense with low adjustable threshold voltage and fast output enable/disable function. These features combine to make the LM3409 family of devices ideal for use as constant current sources for driving LEDs where forward currents up to 5A are easily achievable. The device uses constant off-time (COFT) control to regulate an accurate constant current without the need for external control loop compensation. Analogue and PWM dimming are easy to implement and result in a highly linear dimming range with excellent achievable contrast ratios. Programmable UVLO, low-power shutdown and thermal shutdown complete the feature set.

• Differential and high-side current sense
• Cycle-by-cycle current limit
• No control loop compensation required
• Supports all ceramic-output capacitors and capacitor-less outputs
• Low-power shutdown and thermal shutdown
• 2R, 1A Peak MOSFET gate drive
• 10000: 1 PWM dimming range
• 250: 1 Analogue dimming range
• Green product and no Sb/Br

Полупроводники - МикросхемыДрайверы и Интерфейсы
Код: 2436015

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