The TDC7200PW is a Time-to-Digital Converter (TDC) for ultrasonic sensing measurements such as water flow meter, gas flow meter and heat flow meter. When paired with the TDC1000 (ultrasonic analog front-end), the TDC7200 can be a part of a complete TI ultrasonic sensing solution that includes the MSP430, power, wireless and source code. The time to digital converter (TDC) performs the function of a stopwatch and measures the elapsed time (time-of-flight or TOF) between a START pulse and up to five STOP pulses. The ability to measure from START to multiple STOPs gives users the flexibility to select which STOP pulse yields the best echo performance. The device has an internal self-calibrated time base which compensates for drift over time and temperature. Self-calibration enables time-to-digital conversion accuracy in the order of picoseconds.

• 55ps Resolution
• 35ps Standard deviation
• Measurement Range Mode - 12 to 500ns, 250ns to 8ms
• 0.5µA (2 SPS) Low power consumption
• Supports up to 5 STOP signals
• Autonomous multi-cycle averaging mode for low power consumption
• SPI Host interface for configuration and register access

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Код: 2484561