SN65HVD230QD, CAN шина, приемопередатчик, CAN, Последовательный, 1, 1, 3 В, 3.6 В, SOIC

The SN65HVD230QD is a 3.3V Can Transceiver designed for use with the TMS320Lx240x 3.3V DSPs with CAN controllers or with equivalent devices. They are intended for use in applications employing the CAN serial communication physical layer in accordance with the ISO 11898 standard. Each CAN transceiver is designed to provide differential transmit capability to the bus and differential receive capability to a CAN controller at speeds up to 1Mbps. Designed for operation in especially-harsh environments, these devices feature cross-wire protection, loss-of-ground and overvoltage protection, over-temperature protection, as well as wide common-mode range.

• Low power replacement
• Bus/pin ESD protection exceeds 15kV HBM
• Controlled driver output transition times for improved signal
• Unpowered node does not disturb the bus
• Thermal shutdown protection
• Open-circuit fail-safe design
• Green product and no Sb/Br

Полупроводники - МикросхемыДрайверы и ИнтерфейсыУстройства CAN Шины
Код: 1648752

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