UCC27423D, Двойной драйвер МОП-транзистора, низкой стороны, питание 4В-15В, 4А, 35нс, SOIC-8

The UCC27423D is a dual high-speed MOSFET Driver with enable function. It can deliver large peak current into capacitive loads. Using a design that inherently minimizes shoot-through current, this driver delivers 4A of current where it is needed most at the Miller plateau region during the MOSFET switching transition. Unique Bipolar and MOSFET hybrid output stage in parallel also allows efficient current sourcing and sinking at low supply voltages. The UCC2742x provides enable (ENB) functions to have better control of the operation of the driver applications. ENBA and ENBB are implemented on pins 1 and 8 which were previously left unused in the industry standard pin-out. It is internally pulled up to VDD for active high logic and can be left open for standard operation.

• Industry-standard pin-out
• Unique Bipolar and CMOS true drive output stage provides high current at MOSFET Miller thresholds
• TTL/CMOS compatible inputs independent of supply voltage
• Dual outputs can be paralleled for higher drive current
• 20ns Typical rise and 15ns typical fall times with 1.8nF load
• Green product and no Sb/Br

Полупроводники - МикросхемыДрайверы и ИнтерфейсыMOSFET Драйверы
Код: 8462690

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